Friday, March 18, 2011

Build A Support Team

If I have seen further than others, it is by standing upon the shoulders of giants.

Isaac Newton

When you think of successful people either in the present or in past history we focus on their individual accomplishments and successes. But if you explore deeper you will find that no one is successful by themselves. Success usually comes by building a camp of people around you that offer sound advice and support for accomplishment.

It could be family, friends, co workers, mentors or any combination of people that you decide. You will develop multiple support teams for multiple and specific goals. No one group can be specific for every goal or objective.

Successful presidents, athletes, entrepreneurs, and parents all realize that success in every area of life depends greatly on the people that you pick for your support team. It’s like a fighter preparing for that world title bout. You need to be surrounded by people who will support you in your goals but will also give you that kick in the ass when you need it most if you get down or lazy and lose your focus. They will tell you things that you need to hear not just what you want to hear.

When I was a teenager, I made it a point to surround myself with a core group of friends that supported me and that I supported. They also told me what I needed to hear sometimes not just what I wanted to hear. I made it a point to associate and try to get along with most people that I came into contact with, however I always had a small core group of close friends that I chose to associate with.

Start today and determine what you want to accomplish and what support team you need to form. Being a part of other’s support system is just as important in helping you determine who should be in yours.


  1. Determine what your objective is and decide what individuals you need to surround yourself with that may have the attitude and/or experience needed for your Support team.
  2. Prepare yourself for the things that you need to hear and not just what you want to hear.
  3. Take action based on the feedback you receive.

Pulverize Procrastination

Like a Ninja slipping silently into a castle to assassinate the evil warlord because he has wreaked havoc on surrounding villages, you need to slip into your mind and find the thoughts and feelings that have wreaked havoc on your ability to follow through on tasks.

We all do IT. What is IT? Procrastinate! We put off those tasks that we don’t look forward to doing. The procrastinator’s creed is ‘Why do today what you can put off until tomorrow?’ We push them to the bottom of our to do list only to find out that they didn’t disappear into thin air and that we still need to get them done. Procrastination afflicts millions of people and has negative effects on productivity and sense of accomplishment.

Reasons for Procrastination are:

  • Perfectionism
  • Self-Inadequacies
  • Lack of Motivation
  • Lack of Focus
  • High Frustration/ Low Tolerance

Procrastination leads to:

  • Wasted Time
  • Missed Opportunities
  • Poor Performance
  • Increased Stress

Overcoming Procrastination empowers your ability to:

  • Have Peace of Mind
  • Empower yourself with strength of Purpose
  • Take Charge of Your Life
  • Feel Strong, Capable, and Confident

Ways of Overcoming Procrastination

  • Target and deal with the reasons that you procrastinate and practice doing the opposite.
  • Set a schedule or a time line for accomplishment.
  • Chunk the task into smaller pieces so that you see instant progress and so the task doesn’t seem so big.
  • Rather than push too hard take small breaks but get right back to the task at hand.
  • Do It Now!
  • Say it out loud. Get someone to hold you accountable.

Start training like a Ninja today and everyday to assassinate procrastination.