Monday, April 16, 2012

What is Your Purpose?

What is your purpose here in this life? It is so easy to get pulled into other people's lives and their purpose that we lose track of our own purpose, passion and reason for being in this world. Family, Friends, Co-Workers can all distract you from moving closer to the dreams and goals that you have for your life. It's not being selfish to pursue what fulfills you and gives you a sense of making a difference, not just in "THE" world but "YOUR" world.
Personal or professional growth and satisfaction is connected to moving in a direction that makes you feel more whole and complete as an individual. When you expand as an individual you actually expand the lives of the people around you. Staying focused on your personal or professional development is not selfish... it is selfless because of the effect it will have on others. Stay true to yourself and as you expand you will also help others to expand as well.
Live Out Loud!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Disconnect and Detox Your Mind!

"It's become appallingly clear that our technology has surpassed our humanity"
---Albert Einstien
Have you looked around you lately? Everyone is either on their smart phone, ipad, laptop, or listening to an ipod. Facebook has become our way of interacting with each other rather than actually getting "face time" and speaking to each other. Have you received Happy Birthday messages through facebook? Is it the same as getting a card that has a hand written message from a friend or family member?
Don't get me wrong I have embraced technology just like everyone does help to make things more efficient and a whole lot faster. What I am trying to say is that we need to go on a technology fast from time to time to detox our minds, helping us to back out of the constant noise that we are bombarded with all the time. You always hear about detoxing your body to cleanse it of contaminates for better health but we don't usually hear of the same for our minds.
Make it a point to disconnect form technology and detox your mind.
Live Out Loud!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Adopt The Attitude of Kaizen

Adopt the Attitude of Kaizen

Practice as if you are the worst, perform as if you are the best.

Do you have a personal rating system to measure where you are in any area of your life? It’s interesting in areas such as work, and school there are systems in place that measure performance, however when it comes to our own lives we never seem to have that system in place. The Japanese have a term called Kaizen. It means constant improvement. The concept that we should always be growing and improving in all areas of our lives is important.

Develop a rating system that helps you to measure where you are at in any given moment. When I coach individuals or groups I will stop them at certain points and tell them to rate themselves based on attitude, energy, and effort. I have them use a rating system from 1 to 10. 1 is the stinkiest, slimiest, sloppiest they could be and 10 is the super, shiniest, sharpest they could be. By monitoring where we are on a constant basis we can adjust our performance and attitudes.

I am not suggesting that you try to be a 10 all the time. That would be exhausting. I am suggesting that you pay attention to where you are so that you know how much you have improved, or need to. By adopting a system to evaluate personal improvement and performance we can save time and be much more effective in the Kaizen of our health and fitness, relationships, career and any other area that needs improvement.

Keep a journal and document your progress. If your life is worth living it is worth documenting. By journaling you can reflect on where and how you improved and develop a road map for success. It’s your life, get started now.

Live Out Loud!