Monday, June 28, 2010

What's Your Vision Prescription?

Goals, Vision, Imagination, and Innovation are personal ideas of how you see things that could be in your mind's eye. I know as a teacher, entrepreneur, husband, and parent I didn't understand why the people around me didn't always understand my vision and ideas when I shared them. I would be excited and share it with some people and they got it. Others however would look at me with a confused expression or one of disapproval. I then would get a bit frustrated, even upset when others didn't get it.

After awhile I started to realize that it wasn't their fault that they didn't get it. It was my fault in the way I shared it with them. I started to realize that not everyone has the same Vision Prescription. Just like having your eyes checked to see what type of vision you have 20/20/,20/40, near sighted, or far sighted I started to focus on what type of mind's eye prescription people had in order to share my thoughts and ideas. As a leader of a family, company, or classroom you must become the optometrist for new ideas.

20/20 Vision

If a person has 20/20 vision it is easier to share your ideas because they have a tendency to see clearer. Just like you, they have great vision in there own ideas, innovation, and imagination. 20/20 doesn't need vision glasses because they are capable of seeing and understanding out of the box concepts and ideas. They have visual thought process and often see in pictures. The picture of what could be is clear. Their vision is not blurred.

20/40 Vision

Those with 20/40 vision are capable of seeing the vision but still need assistance in making it more clear. They can and want to understand the vision, but it will be up to you to help them get all the way. You will need to give them a vision prescription that is not blurred. Perception is everything. If you look at something with total clarity it makes sense. If you see it with blurred vision then it is more difficult to grasp the same thing.

Near Sighted

Near sighted vision can see things off in the distance, but have difficulty seeing what is right in front of them. They have difficulty in grasping any vision, ideas, or innovation that are here and now. They have a tendency to use statements like one day, or if the weather was better, or if I had a different boss or spouse. They focus more on conditions rather than creating the conditions that create change.You may need the assistance of your 20/40 vision people to help them see clearer and grasp the idea that everything is first created by an idea and a vision of what does not already exist.

Far Sighted

Far sighted vision can't see things in the distance. They can however see things up close. In communicating to the Far sighted you need to share your ideas in chunks so that they can move closer to the distant idea or vision that you have. Remember with sharing you vision with the far sighted inch by inch and everything is a cinch.

So work on writing the correct prescription for the correct vision sight. It will be much easier to get others to see clearly.

1 comment:

Kendra said...

Master Elkins, what a great way of interpreting perception! This was very inspiring to me. I feel very enriched and motivated. Thanks for the morning coffee or a great way to start my day!