Tuesday, March 16, 2010


"The key to success is to take massive, determined action."
--- Tony Robbins

My post is really about taking action and not procrastinating. Very often we all have a tendency to wait for the perfect situation or the perfect time to take action on the things we want to do, have, or be. If that's the case start building that casket and jump in because there is no perfect time other then that moment you decide. If you are waiting for the economy to get better, or the new president to be in office, or for everyone to agree with your decisions, then you are likely to fail before taking the first step.

I have been full of shoulds in the past and have to watch myself even to this day. Things like I should workout today, or I should eat better, or I should spend more time with my family. I finally decided to stop shoulding all over myself. Just like that Nike slogan "Just Do It". When you decide, get committed on what you decide and GO! Oh, that's it though, that dreaded word Commitment! If we commit ourselves there is no turning back and that may be painful because we can't just quit when we want to.

"The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing."

Albert Einstein

We live in a society today that has such a commitment phobia that now more than 50% of all marriages end in divorce. Parental cop out is rampant with parents not making the statement to there children "Me Parent You Child". There should be no grey area when it comes to that. Parents wanting to save their children from experiencing any disappointment or failure. These are all processes that help to form their character. They need to experience them and as a parent we need to teach them how to use adversity to improve their lives.Discipline is empowering for children now and in there future.

Let's face it, making progress in your career, relationships, parenting, finances, spirituality or just about anything else is not so much about your I.Q. as it is about your I WILL. What are you willing to do right now to take a step in the direction of creating a life that you have only imagined. We all have within us everything we need if we just get started.

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