If you had to rate your Attitude when you wake up in the morning. How would you rate yourself? Good, Great, or Gross. Not everyone pole vaults out of bed in the morning like an Olympic athlete hyped up on adrenaline and jumps right into the day. We all have our rhythms and rituals for starting the day. I have made it my ritual that when my eyes open up I say "Good morning God" and thank you for another day. Rather than "Oh God It's Morning"!
That sense of gratitude every day helps me to set the tone. Let's face it our time on this earth is borrowed, the energy we are given has to be given back one day, so use your energy everyday to it's fullest. Gratitude is a powerful force in appreciating every relationship, experience, and action that we take. That G in gratitude is how I measure my attitude towards the day. I ask myself are you Great, Good, or GROSS? If you ask the right question you will get the right answer. Sometimes the answer is GROSS. At that point I can determine whether I want to correct it or just be gross that day. It's a choice!
"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them."
John F. Kennedy
When you think about it. How fast can you change? Just like that! Many people will say it's not that easy. Well if it was all that easy everyone would do it. Ask a better question; How important is it to me? Remember, How quickly can you get mad? Just like that! How quickly can you get sad? Just like that. What you focus on expands. So, watch what you focus on. Your thoughts are so powerful and many times conditioned. You have the ability to re condition your present thought process if it is important to you.
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