Tuesday, March 23, 2010

What's Your E.G.O.?

"Big egos are big shields for lots of empty space."
Diana Black

We all have this thing called E.G.O. What is it? Well it can be an incredibly motivating thing when it is used for personal development or service to others. When your E.G.O. drives you to take a sense of pride in learning new things being open minded and always being ready for the people and experiences that you want to come into your life.That E.G.O. I call, (Empowering Great Opportunities). That's when you use your sense of E.G.O. and pride to be good for yourself, your community, and the people you come into contact with. Using that E.G.O. to get through life's challenges and obstacles so you can not just Go forward, but GROW forward.

So often our sense of self or E.G.O. is centered in possessions such as what house we live in, or what car we drive. When your sense of E.G.O. is centered in the pride that you are improving as a human doing and not just a human being then you will start to meet with true success. Success that cannot be measured with money or possessions. So use that E.G.O. energy to improve yourself, because then you can't help but empower those around you.

"Avoid having your ego so close to your position that when your position falls, your ego goes with it."

Colin Powell

Now there is always a polar opposite to every thought process or idea. The opposite of the previous is E.G.O. (Eliminating Great Opportunities). That's when you are focused on your opinion being more important than others. Measuring your success by what you own and not who you become. By being focused on always being right instead of doing the right thing is terribly counter productive and almost paralyzing to any organization, company, team, or family. So the next time you think about your E.G.O. think about which one you will choose.

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