Sunday, March 28, 2010

Who Are You Laughing At?

A long laugh and a good sleep are the best cures in a doctor's book.
--- Irish Proverb

It's been proven that laughter is a healthy and healing habit. So, why don't we do it more often? The medical community has done countless studies that show that comedy, and laughter actually aid in improving psychological, and physiological well being.The greatest skill we can develop as individuals is the skill of laughing at ourselves. As preschoolers we found it easy to laugh. Then when we started our schooling, we developed fears of being laughed at by our peers or being the focus of a joke. Making a mistake in front of others became painful and created fear of failure, criticism, and humiliation.

"I am thankful for laughter, except when milk comes out of my nose."

Woody Allen

Overcoming those fears involves you accepting that failing and making mistakes is a part of a process. Failing forward is an important lesson. Like falling down, if you fall forward, when you get up you are just a little closer to your objective. Provided that you learn from it. The process in learning what not to do and how to correct it. No individual that has experienced any level of success in any area of life has always made the perfect decisions. Keep your sense of humor, and learn to laugh at yourself and not take yourself too serious.

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